Don't Punt Your Podcast | Revisited

4 years ago, we wrote an article about why people should not ‘punt their podcast’ and while we enjoy poking fun at the industry, in the end it is about bringing attention to what is happening in the podcasting world. So with everything growing and evolving we thought we would bring up some additional reasons why people should podcast, taking a more positive spin on things. So here are our 5 (+1) reasons on why you should consider podcasting as a company.

Since then, podcasting has experienced exponential growth over the past few years, with more and more people tuning in to listen to their favorite shows, guilty pleasures, news, friend’s broadcasts, and following various topics. Podcasting has boomed. 

As a result, podcasting has become one of the most powerful marketing tools for businesses looking to grow their brand, establish thought leadership, and engage with their target audience in a more personal way. In this blog post, we will explore why you should prioritize podcasting in your marketing plan and how it can help you achieve your business goals.

The Increasing Popularity of Podcasts

The number of podcast listeners has been steadily growing, with millions of people worldwide now regularly listening to podcasts. This surge in popularity can be attributed to the ease of access, the ability to consume content on-the-go, and the diverse range of topics available. A couple of years ago Apple dominated everything, now Spotify, IHeartMedia, and even Amazon are in on the audio game. With podcasts, listeners can tune in while commuting, exercising, or even working, making them a convenient and effective way to consume content.

Podcasts offer a unique opportunity to reach out to potential customers and engage with them in an intimate and personal manner. Podcast listenership is all about binging and creating a relationship with the listener. This is why we at LPM have pushed so hard to make sure we are posting constantly and regularly on all of the podcasts we manage. Moreover, podcast listeners tend to be loyal, engaged, and more likely to share content with others, making them ideal targets for your marketing efforts.

Establishing Thought Leadership

One of the top benefits of podcasting is the ability to establish your brand as an industry thought leader. By sharing valuable insights, knowledge, and expertise in your field, you can position yourself as a go-to resource for your target audience. Just think about it, if you spend an hour talking with a guest in depth about your shared area of expertise (and you know what you are talking about) you grow a powerful real relationship. We have made some amazing friends and business partners from meeting people through our podcasts. 

In addition, by hosting industry experts, influencers, and thought leaders as guests on your podcast, you can further cement your position as an authority in your field. These guest appearances can also lead to valuable collaborations, increased brand exposure, and new business opportunities. At the very least it should make some good content.

Cost-Effective Marketing Solution

Compared to traditional forms of advertising and marketing, podcasting is a relatively cost-effective solution. The equipment and software required to produce a high-quality podcast are affordable and easily accessible. Every phone now has a podcast app already installed, be that Apple or Spotify. As a result, businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this marketing channel without breaking the bank. Mind you, there are some inherent costs, such as microphones, cameras, mixes, software and the works, but at large it is often less expensive than another Facebook ad run.

Podcasting offers a long-term return on investment. Podcasts are amazing at contributing to content rich pages which Google loves. On top of that, podcasts provide an amazon way to get backlinks, rank on search, and appear above the fold in almost every case with the current search UI. 

Unlike other marketing efforts that may require continuous financial input, a podcast episode can continue to generate interest, attract new listeners, and drive traffic to your website long after its initial release. This evergreen nature of podcast content makes it a valuable addition to your marketing plan. Now just imagine it with ads.

Enhanced Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, as it allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Podcasting offers a unique platform for sharing your brand's story and creating an emotional connection with your listeners. 

This is also the reason we  push back so hard on shows that are just guest-centric. People want to listen to something that they relate to or are interested in, if you just do guests it’s no longer about your brand, it’s about the guests. Through engaging and relatable narratives, you can humanize your brand, share your company's values, and showcase the personalities behind the business. You can give your audience and customer base something to connect with that is not just a catchy jingle.

Do that and connect it to a weekly newsletter, social media posts, and other media collateral and you have a killer strategy that crosses platforms and pulls them all together.

Improved SEO and Organic Traffic

Creating valuable podcast content can also help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. By transcribing your podcast episodes and posting them alongside blog articles on your site, you can generate keyword-rich content that can rank higher in search engine results. Compounding this is things like headliners, and embedded players. This can lead to increased organic traffic to your site, boosting your overall online presence.

Furthermore, by optimizing your podcast episode titles, descriptions, and show notes with relevant keywords, you can make it easier for potential listeners to discover your podcast when searching for content in your niche. This is the area that LPM capitalizes on beyond everything else. Making sure that you can be found on-platform is going to be a fight in the next couple of years. The last 4 have already increased the difficulty in ranking. As the algorithms get better and the logic engine and indexing improve you are going to want to be in the top 4 of your targeted keywords.

Building a Loyal Community

Podcasts have a unique ability to foster a sense of community among listeners. Podcast fans are often highly engaged and passionate about the shows they follow. By creating a consistent and high-quality podcast, you can nurture a loyal community of listeners who can become brand advocates, spreading the word about your products or services. This has been shown so many times in the last couple of years. Podcast listeners are early adopters, higher income, and know how to use the internet. 

At LPM we found that the time spent listening to our podcasts average about 36 minutes per show. 89% of our shows are listened to all the way through every single week. We care about this audience and we take the time to engage with them and connect to them with our content.

Final Thoughts

Podcasting is still growing. Almost as fast as we saw it in 2019. Thing is, podcasts didn’t die with the recession, with a worldwide health crisis, with everything happening in the world since we started LaunchPod Media. Podcasts boomed. 

Ride the wave or jump off, it’s only going to get crazier.

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