How to Promote Your Podcast on Social Media Crash Course | YouTube

Welcome to our crash course series we’ve created to help you promote your podcast content on various social media sites. So far in this series, we've covered Instagram and Facebook as excellent resources for podcast promotion. This installment focuses on YouTube and how this platform can fuel your more visually-inclined audience to tune in to your podcast and further interact with your content.

Podcasting is always evolving and this form of entertainment requires a modern approach to advertising. Follow along to learn more about how to leverage YouTube, with its massive user base, presents an incredible opportunity to connect with viewers and to grow your podcast audience!

Understanding Your Podcast Audience

Before embarking on any promotional journey, it's essential to know your target audience. Why? Because knowing your target audience can help you identify direct advertising strategies, starting with what social media platform you can use to best reach your listeners.

Your social media platform of choice can change depending on the content of your podcast. For example, younger demographics are more likely to use Instagram whereas older audiences are more likely to be found on Facebook. Interestingly, YouTube's demographics are split pretty evenly across the board, meaning there is something for everyone on the platform!

There are numerous, extremely popular podcasts that can be found on YouTube since many podcasters opt for filming recording sessions as a means to publish and post as much content as possible from their efforts. With its huge variety of content and topics, this platform is the perfect melting pot for all ages and all sorts of backgrounds. When used tactfully, YouTube can be the perfect way to get in touch with potential listeners and to create an engaged community of like-minded people.

Creating a captivating YouTube channel

The first step to promoting your podcast on YouTube is to create a channel where your viewers can connect with you, learn more about your podcast, and find links to relevant resources like your podcast page on Spotify, or your other social media platforms.

First impressions matter on YouTube so it's important to choose a channel name, background image, titles, and thumbnails that directly correspond with your podcast's theme. Ensure your channel name matches your podcast name so it's easily discoverable and searchable for your users. Once you have that sorted, it's time to choose a channel background photo.

The same rules apply here: make sure the photo matches the overall tone of your podcast. It can be a photo of you on a blank background or it could be the podcast's logo or anything that coincides with the podcast aesthetic and accurately depicts what users can expect to hear.

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How to create YouTube content from podcast content

One of the best ways to get as much out of your content as possible is to film your podcast recording session. This means setting up your studio space to reflect the tone of your show and making sure your guests are on the same page when it comes to recording etiquette.

Some of the highest performing podcasts on YouTube like Jay Shetty or the Joe Rogan show have a simple backdrop that reflects the tone they want the viewers to perceive. Since podcasting on YouTube allows for visuals, this is a great opportunity to play around with your background and to get creative with your color schemes!

Once you've recorded a podcast and filmed the entire thing, edit the video the same way you would edit the podcast meaning redacting the same clips and unneccessary parts for the sake of continuity. From there, go ahead and post the video to your channel and choose an eye catching thumbnail. This can vary depending on your tone, but we would advise you to stick with what the pros do: an image that includes you and your guest talking in the studio with an eye-grabbing quote from the episode put on the middle of the thumbnail. This is a great way to intrigue viewers and potentially get a larger audience!

Happy podcasting!

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